Erewhon Hack #5 Kale, White Bean & Avocado Salad

Hi Gang!

I’m thrilled to be back with a recipe perfect for early January, It's everyone's favorite Erewhon kale salad!!! $21 in store but only $5 at home.

Start with your Olive oil, lemon juice, mustard and whisk aggressively and then add some Maple syrup for that distinct sweetness. Pour that over prepared Kale and massage deeply to really ingrain that flavor. Top with avocado, white beans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and hemp seeds. Toss that all together and generously season.

Kale, White Bean & Avocado Salad

$21 in store, just $5 at home


2 T olive oil

1.5 T lemon juice

2 t maple syrup

1 t mustard

Sea salt & pepper

5 ounces white beans

5 ounces prepped kale

3.5 ounces avocado

2 T toasted pumpkin seeds

2 T toasted sunflower seeds

1 T hemp seeds


Chicory & Citrus Salad